Yes, a divorce mediator can easily stay neutral, because they are trained to be sympathetic to the needs of both parties. Mediators focus on the issues that each individual wishes to address concerning the matters most important to them. Concerns such as child custody, property, financial matters and more, can be discussed with the mediator, who will guide the couple to a peaceful resolution.
At a minimum, the divorce process will be very stressful. Handling a divorce with a mediator can greatly reduce the stress of this emotional time. The process avoids having discussions about the personal aspects of your life in such a non-personal setting like a courtroom where decisions are made for you, not with you. Not to mention avoiding the stress of the high cost of litigation which definitely makes divorce even more nerve-racking.
Working with a mediator also saves the children in the home from the stress of a courtroom setting. This is a huge benefit in itself and can make the divorce process a less traumatic experience. The divorce mediator also has much more flexibility in the scheduling of times that they can meet with clients in order to resolve important issues concerning the divorce.
Discussions with the mediator, in a private setting, one on one, also manages the tensions that can arise when talking about important issues. While the mediator doesn’t make decisions for you, they are skilled at resolving conflicts and clearing the lines of communication between disagreeing spouses. They keep the discussions about issues such as child custody and the dividing of assets on track. They basically help each spouse voice their own needs and act as a referee, so each party feels that they are heard. Their tools can help individuals avoid unpleasant moments when discussing these highly emotional issues, making things much smoother.
The divorce mediator can also be very instrumental in assuring that the financial well-being of both parties is taken care of. By teaming with divorce professionals such as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, it ensures that the important questions are answered for the clients regarding the financial outcome. The CDFA® will list the benefits of specific settlement options and advise clients on the most advantageous property divisions taking the uncertainty out of financial concerns.
Your divorce process will be an emotionally intense and highly stressful period. It makes logical decision making difficult. At such a critical time, avoiding potential financial disaster is crucial: through professional and proper guidance, concerning financial matters, the CDFA® and mediator can help ensure financial security for both parties as they move into the next phase of their lives.
For help with recommendations on a qualified Divorce Mediator, contact us at
